Cold is the Night,

a pair of songs


Mana Yamagiwa



This work is for the vulnerability of being a human. It is not about overcoming such a fragile sense of being, but to face and somehow try to embrace it.

It’s been a while since the pandemic became our daily event. Although some aspects of our lives drastically changed, what we see today is what we are to see at some point: the fear of facing death, being left alone, blaming the other, and losing the sense of solid identity. (If there's such a thing.) This is also the time when we realized the corporeal aspect of our lives as well, which is inevitably dependent on other living organisms. Ironically, at the moment we realized such interdependency, we were (as if) already losing the tangible connection to other beings. (Except microorganisms which are always delightfully together with us.)

In this sense, this is the time we somehow simultaneously realize the intangible but shared sense of being a vulnerable existence, regardless of how we experience it.

As a response to this moment of confusion, I made a pair of songs.

It is aimed to be a representation of quiet fluctuation on a personal level, which made us try to reimagine what we are and what we are going to be. No matter how different what we are today from what we were planned to be, it seems we are to live. This is also an elusive manifestation, for me to keep imagining what I am going to be, trying to get along with the vulnerability of being a human.

Artwork is somehow like a virus, which cannot live by itself and thus needs a living cell to be alive. It keeps repeating itself within the host organism, in this case, you, the listener.

I hope this work will not frighten you as a viral trespasser, but be a point of relocating where we are today, even if it's a tiny almost unrecognizable shift.


Please click here link to listen to my music

